Sunday, December 04, 2005

Inconsiderate Drivers

A person that is at a green light should GO because green means go, NOT, let someone in from a STOP sign, place of business, or at a person's home. Have some RESPECT for the people BEHIND you. I don't make the laws, I follow them.At a green light, the person in front of me should be PAYING ATTENTION to the traffic, NOT to the stuff in their vehicle. One time, a lady got OUT of her seat to look into the back of her Suburban and EVERYONE else left but her. I would have had to back up to go around her. I honked on her LONG and hard like it was DESERVED for being SO SELFISH only thinking of HERSELF NOT anyone else behind her though.The other day, I was at a red light on a two-lane same direction highway. It was a crowded intersection. I had an intersection in front of me with at least 3 cars in front of me. I didn't block the intersection like the LAW states to. The person in front of me turns is able to move up as the light is still red to turn into the Wal-greens. Anyway, the person at the intersection decides to move over the stop sign as if she was going to pull out. I BLEW on my horn so long and hard as I moved up. As if a person at a STOP sign has right-of-way, when I was able to move up. The STOP signs aren't invisable all of a sudden because the traffic starts to move. The GALL of her to do that. If I would have been her, I would have waited BEHIND the stop sign like the LAW states I am SUPPOSE to do. I have even waited when cars on the highway honked on me to go when I was at a taco bell one time. I knew, they have RIGHT-OF-WAY by LAW and that "I" had to YIELD to them. I think that it was AWFUL that the truck honked on me to go ONLY thinking of "ME", the person pulling out, but NOT the LAW or ANYONE in the back of that person, which there were some people that that guy was being SO RUDE to. I do the RIGHT thing by waiting LONGER to go by LAW.I hate a green lights when people just sit there and let someone in from a place of business or a stop sign. WHY have the damn laws if NO ONE follows them? That's what CAUSES some accidents. People that are SUPPOSE to stop or yield DON'T because they think that EVERYONE will let them in. I sure try not to if they have a sign or if they if they aren't on the roadway.If people are on the roadway and they have their turn signal on, then, and ONLY then, will I let them in. If they can't have the decency to put their signal on, FUCK THEM! I follow the law, WHY can't they be not LAZY and use their signal to change lanes. I'm also NOT a mind reader, you want to be let in, put your DAMN SIGNAL ON! I will slow down some if you do have your signal on, but if I don't know you want to get into the lane by putting a signal on, HOW will I KNOW to slow down?People that tailgate in the right lane. If you don't like going speed limit, DON'T tailgate in the right lane of all things. I'm being CONSIDERATE enough to stay in the RIGHT LANE, so WHY risk a rear-end accident to try to make me BREAK THE LAW. I am NOT going to do it for that person? If anything, if there are 3 lanes and I am in the middle lane, I'll make DAMN SURE I won't go to the right lane to SPITE them for tailgating me. NO ONE is going to make me risk a speeding ticket to go faster. I haven't EVER gotten a speeding ticket in my lifetime. I've been driving for 7 years. I am not going to slow down either to delay ME, but I definately WON'T MOVE for a tailgater.Have CONSIDERATION for the people BEHIND you. If I am in the back of you, don't let 2 people in at a green light and expect me not to honk. You are IMPEDING traffic by doing that and BLOCKING traffic only for THEM, but not thinking about the LAW. The law states the people on the roadway have RIGHT-OF-WAY, so if I am on the roadway, I have RIGHT-OF-WAY, plain and simple. I miss the light sometimes because of people not paying attention, people that are SO INCONSIDERATE that they STOP or keep braking to get into a different lane at a green light, or they let people in from a stop sign, yield sign, or place of business.I've seen lots of comments that it's COURTEOUS to let people in from a stop sign, but if I did that, I'd ALWAYS be thinking of the person that is trying to get over. I do that ENOUGH when people want to get into the lane I'm in. I'm NOT about to BREAK the law and STOP to let someone in at a green. GREEN means GO! I at least have some common decency to think of others BEHIND me. Just yesterday, a van was getting ready to come out of a gas station at a light. The person in front of the car in front of us(my husband and I) couldn't let them in because they were too far. The second car, which was in front of us, came to a COMPLETE STOP, just to let this van in at a GREEN LIGHT. See, if I was in the van, I'd tell them to go because they have RIGHT-OF-WAY. That's the way it SHOULD be. Anyway, the person in front of us ONLY thought about the van, but NOT A WHOLE LONG LINE of people that really WANTED TO make the light you know. HOW RUDE! It's not like when the light would have been RED, that a car could have let someone in, but at a green, that's just DISRESPECTFUL and LAW BREAKING to BLOCK traffic for that ONE vehicle. This actually DOES make that last vehicle NOT be able to make the light or if they try to, they end up running the red light.


Blogger Springs1 said...

"I would rather wait the 3 seconds it takes for someone to make a quick turn than make them sit there and wait forever to get out. It's called human decency."

NO, it's NOT called "HUMAN DECENCY", it's called NOT FOLLOWING THE *LAW*! Secondly, if you let them get out, WHAT ABOUT BEING COURTEOUS TO THE PEOPLE *BEHIND YOU*? You are BLOCKING the street which is ILLEGAL. Also, if the light is red, I don't, but I don't mind NEARLY as much as when the light is green, because you are making the last person that COULD HAVE MADE THE LIGHT, NOT, meaning you are ONLY CONCERNED with that ONE CAR INSTEAD OF THE MAJORITY of the people on the road as well as NOT FOLLOWING THE LAW!

The person has to *YIELD* to the people on the road. THAT IS WHY WE HAVE LAWS, so people can actually FOLLOW THEM. Tell me this: WHY are you ONLY CONCERNED with that ONE CAR? That's ONLY COURTEOUS to that ONE CAR. It's RUDE and VERY INCONSIDERATE to people *BEHIND* you. You don't see that at all? WHY do you feel you have a right to be a TRAFFIC COP? You have NO RIGHT to give *RIGHT OF WAY* when the light is green. The light is GREEN, THAT MEANS GO, NOT STOPPING OR KEEP STOPPING TO LET SOMEONE IN. I honk at the person that does this. It is VERY RUDE. The light is GREEN, so WHY should I sit? If the light is red, that's a bit more understandable, because we ain't going anywhere anyway, but when it's green and ESPECIALLY I usually end up waiting LONGER than that person that is supposed to be yielding is. That's UNFAIR!

When I'm in the situation where I need to be let in, I tell the person to go. One time at Taco Bell, I wanted to go out the back after I left the drive-thru, BUT, someone had block the way to turn around in the parking lot, because they had been asked to pull up, probably because their order was huge through drive-thru. Anyway, so I ended up having to go out a way that is harder to get out of. This STUPID person driving a truck honked at me to and sat to let me in and I REFUSED, because I am NOT a HYPOCRITE. I WAITED until it was clear. I probably waited at least 3 minutes, but it was WORTH NOT PULLING IN FRONT OF SOMEONE. I also have made u-turns and waited at other lights to get out of gas stations NOT to have to cut in front of people in order to get out.

Also, there has been times I've experienced where the person could have just been let in 2 cars after me, but people only seem to give a shit about the people coming out, NEVER about the people BEHIND them that have RIGHT OF WAY ANYWAY. WHY CAN'T YOU THINK OF PEOPLE BEHIND YOU?

The other week they had a car in front of the car in front of me that let someone in at the green and I BARELY made the yellow light through the intersection. The truck in the back of me more than likely COULD have made the light too, but because of the INCONSIDERATE person that let this person in, he didn't, luckly I did. People seemed to be ONLY concerned with coming out. I'd MUCH RATHER go at the green light than to be like I am at red light. It's just REALLY RUDE to let someone in at a GREEN light. Let people in at the RED LIGHT. THAT would be more of COMMON COURTEOUSY. Yes, there would be another car in line in front of me as well as I'm not moving anyway, but if the person can't get out at all any other way, I understand if they would be let in at the RED LIGHT ONLY, NOT THE GREEN LIGHT! That would be the ONLY TIME that it is fair.

Also, if I'm at an intersection, not blocking it, if the person has a stop sign and the light is green for me, just because I am not blocking it, doesn't mean all of a sudden that stop sign is INVISABLE. I STILL HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY and I DO HONK when people run the stop sign when I have the green. If I have the red, fine, but the green that's just NOT RIGHT! YOU KNOW THAT'S THE TRUTH that it's AGAINST the LAW to BLOCK traffic. IF you sit at the green to let someone in, YOU ARE BLOCKING TRAFFIC and are ONLY CONCERNED WITH THAT ONE CAR. MAJORITY RULES ACCORDING TO THE LAW. People on the highway have RIGHT-OF-WAY, PERIOD over people that have to yield or stop.

It's NOT HUMAN DECENCY to the people BEHIND YOU. IT'S ONLY TO THAT ONE CAR, THAT'S IT, but be RUDE TO EVERYONE ELSE BEHIND YOU IS OK ACCORDING TO YOU? WHAT A MEAN PERSON YOU ARE! To act like the people behind you's time is not just as IMPORTANT as the person yielding that stopped at a difficult area to get out of that maybe they shouldn't have. I AVOID those situations by going out a different way. If there isn't a different way and traffic is really stuck, then THAT would be the ONLY, ONLY, ONLY, time that it would be truly acceptable to let someone in that has to yield or stop. Like on the interstate bumper to bumper rush hour traffic. You have to let SOMEONE in or no one could go for hours, THAT IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than someone that can just wait a couple of minutes more to get out instead of 2 seconds. Human decency is thinking about people BEHIND YOU TOO, NOT ALWAYS about the people coming out. I think about the people at the yield in situations like interstated traffic that is bumper to bumper by letting ONE car in, because the lane that is yielding would literally be sitting for hours trying to get out. My point is, I DON'T ALWAYS think of the people BEHIND me, but you seem to ALWAYS think of the people at the stop and yield signs by stopping to let them in. WHY can't you SOMETIMES think of people BEHIND you? Do you ALWAYS have to think of the people coming out? At least I think SOMETIMES of the people that are coming out from a yield sign that wouldn't be able to go for hours if no one would let them in. That's QUITE DIFFERENT than the situations I am talking about where the person could be let in at the next red light or 2 cars behind me. THAT is what gets on my nerves.

7:02 PM  
Blogger Gwen said...

What is wrong with you? I'm trying to imagine what kind of life you live, that you can afford to spend so much time dedicating angry blogs to simple things that everyone deals with all day long.

I get angry about inconsiderate behavior, too, but I can't even imagine finding the time to rant about it to the extent that you do. And, worst of all, your rants aren't even amusing or clearly written.

Are you crazy? Or is this a joke?

If you're crazy, why don't you write more original blogs about your real, secret anger issues? That would be funny. Tell us about how much you hate your dad or the color blue or whatever. Spice it up a little, you know? Do something new and different, instead of filling the blogosphere with poorly executed cliches.

7:51 AM  
Blogger Peggy Archer said...

NO, it's NOT called "HUMAN DECENCY", it's called NOT FOLLOWING THE *LAW*!

I'm going to vote for common courtesy.

I don't know where you live, but in Los Angeles, there are certain intersections that if one isn't let in by a courteous motorist, one will sit until the end of time.

Oh, and a green light doesn't mean "Go now and damn the torpedos", it means that one is given right-of-way to proceed.

Now, I completely agree that it can be annoying when one is in a hurry, but the best advice anyone ever gave me was for me to leave extra early whenever I had to drive somewhere - it makes me in less of a hurry, and I don't get as annoyed.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Once again, You right about a topic you have no professional knowledge over."

Once again, you don't know the difference between "WRITE" and "RIGHT", but have the GALL to tell me I don't know about traffic, but you are trying to write grammar correctly and you CAN'T DO VERY WELL WITH THAT! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP! LOOK IN THE MIRROR!

I HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAWS. That is why I OBEY THEM! I bet you can't say like I can that you've NEVER had a speeding ticket? I OBEY THE LAW!

"You aren't a DMV driving teacher."


"Green means right of way, it does not mean floor it."


"You worry what's ahead of you, not behind you."

So you are probably INCONSIDERATE in a parking lot by sitting with your blinker on, but the people that you are waiting on to pull out are still putting groceries away and aren't even in their car. I NEVER do that, EVER, unless the person is actually BACKING OUT, but if the person doesn't have their back up lights on, I DON'T HOLD UP PEOPLE! Sometimes, you have to let them out of the space, because they are going to back out anyway.

I bet you also hold up everybody to get into a lane at the last minute or the person that's digging through their car at the light and when it turns green, you end up being honked on for 6 or 7 seconds before you realize people are pissed at you for holding them up.


"Why do you think that rear-ending someone is almost ALWAYS the fault of the one who could not break promptly, even if they were tailgating theperson ahead of them?"

It ONLY has to do with FOLLOWING TO CLOSELY, DUMBASS! It has NOTHING to do with not worrying about who's behind you. If anything, a co-worker at the law firm I worked at before the storm told me she AVOIDED an accident seeing a car in her REAR VIEW MIRROR. My husband, before I met him, said he avoided an accident also, by LOOKING *BEHIND* HIM. SO, YES, if you can pull over or move over, YOU CAN AVOID AN ACCIDENT IF SOMEONE IS GOING TO HIT YOU FROM BEHIND! Heck, these are just 2 instances of it. YOU SHOULD CARE WHAT'S BEHIND YOU!


You are probably one that doesn't use your signal to change lanes either, which is the law! Not using your turn signal to change lanes is INCONSIDERATE to people BEHIND YOU that don't know what you are doing. They may be going in the same lane at the same time and speeding up as well as you are speeding up, which could make a collision.


8:16 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

7:03 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

7:05 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

6:08 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"you're such a disgusting bitch with no common courtesy and no respect for anyone but yourself."


"but you are selfish enough to not let someone make a quick turn."

Did you EVER, EVER, EVER, consider the people ******BEHIND******* YOU that would like to make that green light and the fact that it's the *****LAW****** to ****GO***** at a green light unless a cop or an emergency vehicle or some accident or a vehicle that runs the light is there? I think of the people that have RIGHT OF WAY and the people BEHIND ME! People like you seem to be ONLY THINKING OF THE PERSON COMING OUT, WELL THEY HAVE TO ****YIELD***** OR *****STOP*****! A lot of times, I will go make a u-turn not to cut in front of traffic. One time at taco bell, I literally couldn't get out the backway because of a car waiting for a big order in drive-thru that moved up, so I had to go the front way, which people were honking on the road for me to go and I waved to them for THEM to go because ***THEY**** had RIGHT OF WAY, I HAD TO YIELD TO THEM. Also, HOW RUDE of that person not to think of the people BEHIND THIS PERSON! You let one car in, the next car behind you gets the red light, GEE, HOW COURTEOUS WAS THAT TO THAT DRIVER ****BEHIND***** ME THAT HAD RIGHT OF WAY TO BEGIN WITH? It was VERY RUDE. The people that have to yield or stop should yield or stop until traffic is light enough to be let in or at the very least, let them in at the RED LIGHT, NOT THE GREEN LIGHT. HOW DO YOU SAY YOU I DON'T HAVE COMMON COURTESY IF YOU LET PEOPLE IN AT A GREEN LIGHT? YOU DON'T SEEM TO HAVE COMMON COURTESY TO THE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU THAT HAVE RIGHT OF WAY. It's the LAW not to BLOCK someone and when you sit there and not go to let someone in, YOU are BREAKING THE LAW as well as making people behind you possibly not make the light. HOW RUDE OF YOU! Look WHO IS THE BITCH! It's staring at you in the mirror! YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR PEOPLE BEHIND YOU THAT HAVE RIGHT OF WAY BY LAW! YOU ARE SELFISH TO ONLY THINK OF THAT ONE PERSON COMING OUT AND NOT OF THE MAJORITY OF THE TRAFFIC **BEHIND** YOU THAT WOULD LIKE TO GET GOING AT THAT GREEN LIGHT! FUCK YOU BITCH!

6:39 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Just because you have the right of way doesn't mean you have to take it. It's a matter of personal responsibility if you feel like letting someone else have the right of way."

Actually, that's is NOT true at all. "Right of way" means just that BY ********LAW*********, NOT by "if you feel like letting someone else to have it." This is NOT a "CHOICE" by LAW, but people do it all the time and it's EXTREMELY RUDE. I have caught red lights because of people doing that.

One time, when I was at a taco bell, I usually go out in the back area, well someone was parked blocking the area that I could pull around to go to the back due to their large order in drive-thru(usually the cashiers ask people to pull up when there are large orders in drive-thru). So, this meant I had to get out where there was traffic and a traffic light. There was one guy who STOPPED to let me in and I did NOT go. I motioned for him to go. I wasn't about to pull out when HE had right of way along with others behind him. THAT was SO RUDE of him to ONLY think of me and the person behind me. I waited probably about 4 mins., but I went when **I** had right of way, NOT when they wanted to let me in. I do this, because not only is it following the LAW, but I also hate when people let people in when I am behind them so, I DO NOT do it to them.

I hardly get in these situations, because I ALWAYS try to go the opposite way and if that means make a u-turn, I do it NOT to "CUT" in front of someone.

Now, if the light is red and I am at a yield sign, if I am going straight across, then if there is no traffic, sure I go, because I am NOT "CUTTING" in front of them, I am going across like to a store such as Walgreens. I only do that when it's safe to do so and if I see the light turned green, I don't go, even though people have waited for me to go, I end up having to motion THEM to go. See, if I THINK that they are letting me in, you never know, that might think I will continue to yield, which then could cause an accident.

I've had 3 vehicles let in by ONE person before, 2 at the red, and 1 at the green, when the traffic was way futher than the light and we were far from the light also. That was so rude. I flipped him off and made sure I honked on him by him. I cannot STAND people today who ONLY think of the people COMING OUT. WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT WANT TO GO WHEN IT'S GREEN AND THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE RIGHT OF WAY? WHAT ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS AND TIME?

I do let people change lanes in front of me if they have their signal, because that is TOTALLY DIFFERENT in that we are ON THE ROAD, whereas, when someone is at a gas station or store or whereever, they aren't even on the road and have NO RIGHT OF WAY WHAT-SO-EVER. They have to YIELD to the people on the road that are already there.

Another thing I cannot stand is people blocking intersections. Now I have a few times in my life done that not on purpose due to not realizing the traffic was going to stop, but I see traffic a lot of times CAN stop, but block the streets. All that does is delay traffic more, because most people let the person in, so if it's blocked that's more seconds gone than if it's not blocked.

I also hate when I am not blocking the intersection, the light turns green, but the person at the stop sign that is at the street that is the intersection somehow thinks THEY have right of way, when they STILL HAVE THE STOP SIGN. Just because the light turns green doesn't mean you shouldn't continue to stop.

"But I think we all know the pain of waiting 5 minutes at a busy intersection where nobody even thinks of stopping for you."

Honestly, the amount of times I have that is rare, because I go out other ways if possible. If one area is the only way out, after 5 mins., I may give up and be let in. 99% of people would go the first car that let's them in. Do you see that I am a good person? I try to do as I preach, that if I don't like it being done to me, I don't do it to other people.

It also irriates me to no end when I see someone wait until the last second to get into a lane and then when you honk, they flip you off the assholes. Like they are the people being selfish and they are mad at you for honking. Like hell if they like it when people delay them? I am pretty sure they don't, so I don't get why can't people just make a U-TURN? If it's the interstate, get off at the next exit. I have made u-turns before way beyond where I needed to go not to stop traffic just for me to get into the lane I needed to be in. I am CONSIDERATE, they AREN'T!

"Honestly, it takes five seconds to let someone into traffic. True, it's five more seconds than the people behind you would have had to wait, but it's quite possibly minutes shorter than the person waiting to pull out would have sat there."

5 seconds is 5 seconds of the people's time ON THE ROAD. The people waiting to go, can wait an extra minute. If I have right of way, I have right of way. I will NOT be RUDE to the people behind me or delay myself.

7:05 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

The Lady in Red
"You have some serious, fucking issues."


"And for the love of Pete, DO NOT criticize anyone else's grammar or spelling. You're half illiterate yourself sweetheart."



I know what is fair and right as well as what isn't fair. If the light is green, well that doesn't mean you just sit there to think about ONLY the person that comes out of the gas station. Think about the PEOPLE BEHIND YOU THAT HAVE RIGHT OF WAY and THEIR FEELINGS AND TIME, NOT THAT ONE PERSON THAT HAS TO YIELD BY **LAW**. I NEVER let people in from a gas station or a place of business, because they have to wait for the people on the road FIRST by LAW and it's EXTREMELY RUDE to the people behind me. It's called COMMON COURTEOUSY.

You have your NERVE calling a person "half illiterate" when you cannot even maintain your weight. LOOK AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR BITCH!

I graduated from high school in 1995 and I NEVER failed a grade in my lifetime. I have an associates degree. HOW CAN YOU CALL SOMEONE LIKE THAT "half illiterate?" I am 30yrs old and I KNOW HOW TO READ. You obviously cannot control your hands to your mouth FAT BITCH! LOOK AT YOURSELF BEFORE YOU EVER, EVER, EVER, JUDGE OTHERS! You need to LOSE WEIGHT.

I am 5'0" and keep my weight at 90lbs-92lbs. I bet you cannot say you can fit a size 2 dress or that you can STILL FIT CLOTHES FROM 8th grade even, which was around 1991 for me. I still have dresses I can still fit since then and I was 14yrs old in 1991. YOU ARE A FAT BITCH! TELLING ME ABOUT MY FAULTS, WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR OWN TO LOOK AT! I may not write well, but I sure know what is fair and I know when to say when it comes to food, which YOU OBVIOUSLY CAN'T by your FAT FACE you have.

So you have some "WEIGHT ISSUES" yourself. Don't tell me shit if you cannot LOOK AT YOURSELF FIRST BITCH!

8:36 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

the lady in Red
"Meds. Get some."

Have nothing to say back? Hurts DOESN'T it to have someone tell you something mean? If you don't want me to do it to you, DON'T DO IT TO ME. Get that? Treat others as YOU'D like to be treated. If you say you weren't a bit hurt by the weight comment, you are lying through your teeth. You cannot insult me and get away with it.

10:41 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You're pulling out of a drive-thru resturant at a very busy intersection. Their are traffic signals on both sides, both on different time schedules. When one turns red, the other turns green and vice versa, so no matter what you do, there is always a steedy stream of cars. Since you're so intent on following "the *******LAW********", you are stuck waiting there for what may seem like hours."

I have waited and people have gone around me before. I wasn't going to do the "WRONG THING." For example, there was a yield sign, traffic was coming from another street turning, so the line was long due to this was morning rush hour traffic. I stayed yielded even though a few people stopped to let me in, I DID WHAT THE LAW SAYS TO DO is to do as the SIGN TELLS YOU TO DO unless it is CLEAR, which it WASN'T. Those other people had RIGHT-OF-WAY of ME. Some assholes went around me. I ended up going when there was a large enough gap that I wasn't cutting in front of someone.

I have already waited 5 minutes to get out of somewhere to NOT CUT in front of someone. SOME SELFISH ASSHOLES will cut the FIRST TIME they can when they don't have right-of-way to do so. Some assholes that don't think of others BEHIND THEM that have right-of-way let people in front of them when those people just left while WE WERE ALL WAITING for the ENTIRE LIGHT, sometimes 2 minutes worth or even 2 sessions of lights worth.

"Did you ever think about the people behind YOU? No, well that explains alot."

In this scenario, you are talking about the person behind me in the restaurant parking lot I am assuming that is waiting to get out. So, for one thing, they have ZERO right-of-way as well, so WHY WOULD I THINK OF THEM WHEN THEY WERE AFTER ME IN LINE? LIKE DUH!!

Now, as far as thinking of others behind you in general, I ALWAYS, ALWAYS DO!! Think about when you are the person behind the person letting someone in how YOU end up getting that red light that COULD have made it. It happens and has happened to all of us I am pretty sure at some point in time.

How do you feel then? Do you think it's fair? It sure isn't.


I think of others BEHIND ME in traffic. If I am in a parking lot waiting to get out, I do the right thing.

Just yesterday, they had a car waiting to get out of Wal-Mart, I had the stop sign, they stupidly kept stopping as I wouldn't have, because I would have had right-of way. I motioned them to go by pointing to the stop sign.

It's YOU that doesn’t think of others behind them. Think of all those people that could make the light or get to wherever they are going faster for that ONE FUCKING ASS CAR or be even RUDIER as I have seen people let 2 TO 3 PEOPLE IN, NOT JUST ONE.

Continued next post:

6:26 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

ALightDarkness Continued:

I would RATHER ANY DAY stay 5-10 minutes to get out of somewhere than to do the WRONG THING. People should be doing the RIGHT THING by letting them YIELD OR STOP as they are SUPPOSED TO BE. NONE of those people are traffic cops to have any RIGHTS to give right-of-way to someone. WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE SIGNS AND LAWS IF NO ONE FOLLOWS THEM?

I once had a situation where I was blocked my normal way out of a taco bell. I went out the way where they had a lot of traffic which I always avoided, but couldn’t' this time. I had at least 2 people try to let me in, even one honked on me to go, but I didn't. I stand MY GROUND when it's ME coming out that I hate when people CUT in front of me that have ZERO right of way, I don't do it to them. So I told that person to go by motioning him to go that he or she had right of way. I REFUSED to go just because they let me in. The people on the road had right-of-way of me at the Taco Bell. I would rather do that than to be the person that is behind that asshole that let's them in, because then how could I hate them if I would do it? I think people should just follow the law, PERIOD!!

I hate when people that have stop signs when the light turns green in the middle of traffic at a red light that people think they have right-of-way just because the light turned green, which it did for US on the ROAD, NOT for the person at the stop sign, they still have that stop sign. I can see if they can't ever get out to let someone in, but no if they can go 2 cars behind me. That's just MEAN AND RUDE. What is the point of that stop sign if it's going to magically disappear like a traffic light? It's NOT a traffic light, it's still a stop sign and should be obeyed as if it is still. If that means you sit for 5 minutes, you sit for 5 minutes.

MOST of the time, it's when the vehicle could have gone 3 cars behind me. It's inconsiderate people of the people BEHIND THEM as you pointed out to me. It's INCONSIDERATE to our time and OUR RIGHT-OF-WAY. QUIT JUST THINKING OF THE PEOPLE COMING OUT AND START THINKING OF THE PEOPLE **BEHIND YOU** AS YOU GAVE ME WITH YOUR ADVICE, HYPOCRITE!!! Think of others that are BEHIND YOU BY NOT EVER LETTING PEOPLE IN FROM PLACES OF BUSINESS!! THAT IS HOW YOU THINK OF OTHERS BEHIND YOU!! DO THE "RIGHT THING" FOR ONCE!! WHY CAN'T YOU CONSIDER THAT? Being rude to the people behind you is just plain mean. You are only being nice to that one person, but are being VERY RUDE to the entire line of people BEHIND YOU. Haven't you EVER CONSIDERED THAT? I bet you sure haven't. AM I RIGHT, HYPOCRITE?

6:28 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Rayne Dazes
"I am not sure what state you live in, but in a lot of states it is actually required ****BY*****LAW***** to yield to motorists on a cross street/at a stop sign/intersection etc and let them into traffic ((there are of course different situations for different things, but the law still does exist. At least in my state.))"

How can that be? It's CONTRADICTORY of the signs meaning. Think about it. When you have an accident. Someone pulling in front of you has the STOP sign or YIELD sign, THEY are 100% at fault if you have ZERO SIGNS or TRAFFIC LIGHTS. So that makes no sense then. In Louisiana, there is NO LAW that states you have to make the signs invisable so to speak. That makes no sense, because the signs are there so the people can FOLLOW them, NOT IGNORE THEM.

The people that have right-of-way don't have the signs or red lights unlike those other people that do.

"I bet you would also be the kind of person who would be PISSED a string of cars was just creeping past you and you were stuck at a stop sign and NO ONE let you in for over an hour."

While it would suck, it's still the LAW and I would have to just deal with it. I would know to go a different way next time or go at a different time. There are plenty of other ways to get to different places if you have to go at a certain time.

Honestly, if traffic is THAT backed up and if it is the ONLY WAY OUT(meaning they cannot make u-turn or no other way out), one car per person should be let in, such as an interstate situation. I would say 99.9% of the time traffic isn't like that. The person can go if they waited a few minutes at the most, maybe even seconds(such as 2 cars after me.)

MOST of the time it's where there is more than ONE way out, especially with gas stations. I see people all the time that I have made u-turns before, they sure can TOO by going down further to go the way they want to by making that u-turn instead of holding others up at their own SELFISH EXPENSE. It's usually times where they have 2 or more exits, but can't fathom thinking of OTHER PEOPLE by INCONVENIENCING THEMSELVES INSTEAD OF OTHERS!! I have MANY OF TIMES MADE U-TURNS NOT TO CUT INTO TRAFFIC. I inconvenience myself, NOT OTHERS!!

6:45 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"As someone who has been sitting behind people in traffic when they let someone out on the road, (from a parking lot, etc...)I just don't care!"

WHY? You don't care if you catch the next light because of that uncaring asshole in front of you that ONLY CARES ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT DON'T HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY?

Also, do you let people in from a place of business when you know they have other ways of getting out and/or there's not a lot of traffic that they can wait like they are supposed to?

"I would be annoyed if, while at a light, the driver in front of me turned around to dig in her back seat. This is mostly because this shows dangerous behaviour (distracted driving, speeding, etc..."

I am not annoyed for that reason at ALL. I am annoyed due to the ********INCONSIDERATE*********** behavior of these people that think their time is the only one that counts that would they like it if *I* did that to them? HELL NO, they wouldn't like it, especially if they were late going somewhere like work for example.

You can read my other driving blog that is easier to read "Driving Pet Peeves."

People are inconsiderate on the road. That's what drives me nuts.

People are too lazy to make u-turns if they pass up what lane they needed to be in and end up being very inconsiderate of other drivers. I have caught extra lights due to inconsiderate people that feel their time is the ONLY one that counts.

6:45 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"(And don't pretend you're not fat.. your we've all seen your photobucket pics"

That's NOT ME YOU STUPID IDIOT!! I am not a mexican nor do I have kids nor do I look ANYTHING like that. So she happens to have the same name. LOTS OF PEOPLE HAVE THE SAME SCREEN NAME, SERIOUSLY!!

Think about it, I can post your name and say it's you, is it? NO, it's not.

Look at this myspace page someone made making fun of me. That's not me either.

I didn't create that myspace page nor do I know that guy that is posted on it either.

Honestly, that's NOT ME!!

7:30 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Really, you are being inconsiderate to your fellow drivers,"


" by not leaving for your destination in a timely manner. Leaving in a timely manner means factoring in traffic conditions, including the fact that other drivers may not be driving to your standard. Own some responsibility. YOU are responsible for getting anywhere on time, regardless of so-called 'assholes' you may meet on the road."


I ALWAYS LEAVE IN ENOUGH TIME. I don't care if I am 2 hours early, I am STILL going to be pissed off at a car in front of me that decides to let the person in from a stop sign or sit digging through their car when the light turns green just sitting there. It has to do with being *CONSIDERATE* and doing the *MORALLY RIGHT THING*.

If the person has a stop sign, they still have that stop sign.

Why is it nice to block someone also to get into a lane instead of making a u-turn. The other day I had to go all the way around, because I couldn't get into a lane. I didn't stop traffic just so I could get into a lane. I inconvenienced MYSELF, NOT OTHERS!!

7:33 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Springers you nasty little thing, road rage is the most rude and inconsiderate thing you can do on the road,"

NO, THEY AREN'T FOLLOWING THE *LAW* OR BEING **********CONSIDERATE OF OTHERS ***********************BEHIND THEM WHEN IT'S THE ***********LAW************* TO NOT BLOCK TRAFFIC*********!!

"(I HOPE you are not using the internet while driving, dear)"

NO, I can't concentrate on a conversation even when I a driving much less texting. Seriously, you are dumb!!

"I can only imagine how much you lose your cool when you are actually driving."

Because people are RUDE. Like the other day this person kept looking down on the bottom of their car instead of moving when the traffic started moving. AS IF THEY WOULD WANT ME TO DELAY THEM, RIGHT? SERIOUSLY, FUCK THEM!! HOW SELFISH IS THAT? If you lost something, PULL THE FUCK OVER. This was not an interstate, this was a road that they had a place to pull over many of times and then some. This one lady years ago STAYED STOPPED AT THE RED LIGHT, got out of her car to ask for directions, the light turned green, she still was out of her car. Seriously, ASSHOLES!! I made a u-turn WAYY THE FUCK OUT MY WAY just because I couldn't get into the lane I needed to get into. That's what you have to do, INCONVENIENCE YOURSELF AND NOT BE SO FUCKING ASS SELFISH ON THE ROAD TO BLOCK OTHERS. I wouldn't do that to you, don't do it to me.

The other day someone stayed stopped while the traffic wayy the fuck went and gone to wave someone to come out of the stop sign. THAT'S SOOO BREAKING THE LAW AND IT IS VERY INCONSIDERATE TO ALL THE TRAFFIC BEHIND YOU THAT DOES HAVE RIGHT OF WAY SINCE THE LIGHT WAS ********************GREEN****************************************! When someone tries to wave me to go, I don't go. I tell them "YOU HAVE RIGHT OF WAY" and I don't go, PERIOD. I have had once yielded at a yield and cars were passing me up, because I was doing the "MORALLY RIGHT THING" by telling the cars that were trying to let me in that they had right of way to go that they aren't supposed to be stopping for me when *I* had the YIELD SIGN AND THEY DIDN'T.

As I said in this blog probably, at the taco bell, a truck honked for me to go, I told him that he had right of way and I REFUSED TO GO and there was even someone behind me, but since we have to YIELD to people on the highway or road, that I didn't have right-of-way. I do the MORALLY RIGHT THING and EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD TOO!!

Continued next posts:

7:31 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

This one bitch tailgated me when the speed limit was 35mph and she flipped me off. I was like WTF LADY? Seriously, she wanted to disobey the law TWICE AND THEN WANTED TO FLIP ME OFF, WTF?

Twice they had 2 men at different times that wanted to get into the right only lane or a certain lane and they both flipped me off, because I honked on them. Seriously, THEY FLIPPED ME OFF AND ********THEY WERE THE ONES THAT WERE BLOCKING EVERYONE BECAUSE OF THEIR SELFISHNESS? SERIOUSLY, THAT WAS SOOOOO FUCKING SELFISH.


Sure it's against the law to honk, but how am I going to get them to move or see what they are doing is VERY SELFISH AND INCONSIDERATE OF OTHERS BEHIND ME AS WELL AS ME, HUH? Some people actually responded to the honk and did move. Most don't, but some do see that they are being selfish and chance their ways.

You aren't supposed to be BLOCKING ANYONE. THAT IS 100% AGAINST THE LAW!! If you need to get in a lane, you may want to get into the lane WAY AHEAD OF TIME. If you can't, you may have to go wayyy further and go back. Seriously, that's not everyone else's issue.

Once this bitch let someone in from a stop sign and I ended up not making the yellow light because of that selfish bitch. Seriously.

WHY can't people think of others when they drive, huh? No using turn signals to turn or change lanes. WHAT THE HELL when it's the *LAW* you are supposed to use your signal, especially to turn.

"Why are you so much more important?"

I am not. I am EQUALLY important, that's why when someone else acts like they are, that's UNFAIR!

If you can't get into your lane, don't fucking ass block me. Seriously, that's CRUEL!! If you need to get into a certain lane, make a u-turn by going further or if in your state you can't make u-turns, you go to a street and turn around or a gas station or something.

"that you have NEVER done anything on the road that would upset other drivers?"

Yes, I honked on them, because they made me upset FIRST. I have NOT EVER ONCE BEEN SELFISH TO THEM, NOT ONCE!! As I said, when they try to let me in, I don't go, PERIOD!!

"No mistakes at all?"

This is not a complaint about mistakes. This is a complaint about being SELFISH on the road by blocking people, acting like the stop sign is invisible when the light turns green, not using their signals because of laziness not because they forgot, etc.

"The fact is, you SHARE the road, and that means accepting and forgiving other peoples road habits that drive you crazy."

HOW do you forgive, when you honked on them that they KNOW they were not paying attention when the traffic starting moving and they STILL be mean and not think of the people BEHIND THEM, HUH?

Driving habits should be that they should follow the *LAW* that states if you pass up your lane, you make a u-turn, if you have a stop sign, you stay until it is CLEAR, if you are at a red light that you pay attention when the light turns green instead of digging through your car such as once this lady went to the BACK of her SUBURBAN when the light was green. I couldn't believe that she did that. HOW SELFISH! WHY does almost everyone have to leave in someone at a place of business? What happened to *RIGHT-OF-WAY*? I mean if there's a huge traffic jam to where you would never go, I can see, but most of the time, it's not like that and the person could have just gone 2 cars behind me, seriously and even some people let 2-3 cars in. I am like, WTF??

"It is UNCARING**!!!11!!8* and *88****!!1!!INCONSIDERATE to not forgive people."


7:31 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Are you trying to tell me that you are a perfect driver, Springs?"

Of course not. The thing is though, I soooo think of others constantly that once I hit a parked car due to that someone was behind me and I didn't want to delay them, so I hurried up into this tight spot, well I hit their car. I left a note, and my insurance covered it. That's how much I THINK OF OTHERS BEHIND ME. I AM SOOOO FUCKING ASS CONSIDERATE I wasn't even thinking about my OWN CAR OR EVEN THINKING ABOUT I could get my self in trouble even. I did feel very bad for the person's car I hit, but at least I left a note with my insurance information, which most people would not have done that. I have gotten hit and ran before so I know a few years later.

"Do you honsestly think that you never have and never will really upset and annoy other drivers on the road with your own driving faux pas?"

I know I do by going the speed limit, but that's not me setting it and I stay in the right lane when I can, but sometimes if the right lane isn't going speed limit, I am in the left lane until I can get back into the right lane.

If they get pissed, they shouldn't considering they want to disobey the law and it is UNFAIR for them to be going over the speed limit so that's their issue, not mine. Talk that with the police or parish/state officials or whoever decides the speed limits.

Sure I have gone over speed limit in my lifetime due to if there was a huge traffic jam, not to be late for work, when 99.9% of the times I was always early for work and I did when I was younger and stupid. I still NEVER ONCE GOT A SPEEDING TICKET HONESTLY and I don't normally hardly ever go over the signs of speed limit.

Drivers do hate me and even honked on me for going to slow and lots of them have tailgated me. I go speed limit with weather permitting of course.

"Can you even guarantee that you have never ever made mistakes on the road?"

I am NOT complaining about mistakes. I am complaining about PURE SELFISHNESS like not going to the next u-turn or roadway to turn around if you pass up your turn or lane or there was a lady that made conversation personal conversation with the garage attendant, which was costing me money every minute, then also, we have drive-thru daiquiri shops here in our state, which I bring HOME my daiquiri, I don't drink and drive, that this man made this conversation with this lady I could hear it was personal. It was so SELFISH. If he wanted to do that, he should have parked in the large walmart parking lot and walked to the damn drive thru window to talk with her. Selfish is pulling out when you know you have a stop sign or yield sign where you know that person has the green light. Selfish is digging through the bottom of your car and not paying attention when the light turns green and making others not make the light or get delayed some.


"You have to share the road with others just as they have to share it with you.?"

Sharing the road has ZERO to do with the LAWS and you KNOW IT!! It also has NOTHING to do with being SELFISH to BLOCK SOMEONE to get into a lane or digging through the bottom of your car to get something.

Once this bitch(I wasn't driving), we saw why she didn't go at the green light, she was putting on mascara. Seriously. If you don't have time, wake the fuck up earlier or LEAVE WITHOUT MAKE-UP, seriously.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"So you admit you have broken the law then. And I am sure that that ILLEGALLY honking your horn isn't your only bad habit on the road."

If the people would have been *CONSIDERATE AND LAW ABIDING TO BEGIN WITH* then I wouldn't have done that, understand how they are CREATING ROAD RAGE BY BLOCKING TRAFFIC, HUH?

"Why do you think you have the right to DELIBERATELY break the law by honking just because someone else is not doing the right thing??"




You are nice to me, I will be nice to you.

I can't stand it when I let someone in from a *LANE*(notice I said LANE CHANGE, NOT a stop or yield which is 100% totally different than a stop sign or yield that they block me to get into a lane. Seriously, I was NICE and courteous enough to let them in from my lane and they do that to me, HOW FUCKING ASS MEAN AND VERY INCONSIDERATE AND VERY SELFISH. I also find many people will put their turn signals on to get into a lane to let them in, but after that they will not use their turns signals to change lanes.

"I hope you get booked for your illegal activity."

WHY? They are causing the road rage by BLOCKING TRAFFIC. It is ILLEGAL TO BLOCK TRAFFIC! If you block someone, yes you ARE CAUSING A DELAY FOR THE DRIVERS WHICH IS GOING TO GET PEOPLE MAD. They have places to be too.

"Honking your horn in that situation is a very big indicator of road rage. Road rage is very VERY bad. You need to keep your temper when you are driving. Losing your temper when you should be focusing on being a good driver is VERY VERY dangerous."

It's not dangerous since no one did anything to make it that.

They created the road rage. I could have created it if I were have to been selfish the other day and blocked someone to get into a lane, but I didn't. I made a whole u-turn much further away and avoided blocking someone.

I think of others, why can't others think of my feelings or the people's feelings BEHIND ME, HUH?

7:52 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"And sharing the road IS about the law."

NO, because the law states WHO HAS RIGHT-OF-WAY AND WHO DOESN'T.

You can't just let someone in from a stop sign, because that's only police officers that can do that, because stop means STOP, NOT GO and the GREEN LIGHT GIVES ME THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. This one bitch decided to try to go when the light turned green, I honked at them, because they were going to pull out in front of me and they would have been 100% wrong since they had the STOP SIGN and I had the GREEN LIGHT.


7:54 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"That is right, so stop breaking the law by honking your horn illegally, you nasty potty-mouthed little law-breaker."

When others stop breaking the law of BLOCKING TRAFFIC!

8:08 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Oh, I see, so you think it is ok to break the law simply because everyone else is doing it?"

NO, it's OK because they are doing me wrong, so I am doing them wrong. It's an EYE FOR AN EYE type of thing. You can't do me wrong and then me not do you wrong, FUCK THAT SHIT!!

It's just like servers that the customers that stiff them that they give them mediocre service, what's the difference here? They aren't going to go all out to get stiffed. They are treating the customers the SAME WAY as I am treating the inconsiderate drivers of the world. EQUAL, EQUAL as to how they are treating me as to how the customers treated their server in the tip like crap, so in return the next time the server that serves that same stiffer or 10% customer will not get the best of the best service due to the way the customer treated the server last time. It's only fair in each situation whether it's driving or serving. You get a good tip for good service, you get a bad tip for bad service. If you want a good tip, you have to do a good job. Same difference with customers paying the server as well. That's ANYTHING IN LIFE!

8:27 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You can't have it both ways, Springs. Either it is acceptable that people bend the rules occasionally or it is not acceptable under any circumstances. You state that you believe everyone should follow every road rule to the letter because it is the law. Therefore, by your own standards, you must refrain from using your horn inappropriately.. by your own admission you use it illegally. Making you a massive hypocrite."


"Also, stating that others cause your road-rage by upsetting you on the road is silly. Take responsibility for your own actions and emotions. Only very small children lack the ability to control their emotions."

HOW IS IT SILLY WHEN NO ONE WOULD WANT TO PURPOSELY BE BLOCKED, HUH? It's COMMON SENSE, that if you wouldn't want me to block you, you shouldn't block me. Treat others as you'd like to be treated on the road. I have made u-turns to not block someone just because I couldn't get over to the lane I needed to be in.

Also, WHY should that person that has ZERO right-of-way be ONLY THOUGHT OF, but the people BEHIND YOU aren't that DO have right-of-way, huh? It's UNFAIR!!

I am fair and do what's right when I drive. They had even the other day someone that waved me in when I was at a store and I told them "You have right-of-way" and didn't go as they tried to let me in, but I refused it. I waited until it was clear. It was doing the right thing is the key here.

I don't block people. I also when I have stop or yield signs obey them. I also don't at traffic lights play around, I pay attention. Some people dig through their car which is SOOO SELFISH that when the light turns green, they aren't even paying attention. I feel if you need to do something in your car, PULL THE FUCK OVER! Don't block me as I would NEVER, EVER BLOCK YOU!

So YEAH, they start the road rage first, because I am fair, so WHY can't **********THEY************* DO THE MORALLY RIGHT THING AND LAWFULLY RIGHT THING BY NOT BLOCKING YOU, HUH?

So yes, of course that causes road rage. If you don't block people, then they have no reason to get mad at you and you aren't altering anyone but yourself. Think about it....

I remember this one time I went wayyy further to not block someone, because there was no way I was going to be able to get into the 2 left turn only lanes from the lane I was at that I had got out of a place of business when it was clear, but it wasn't clear once I got going and just couldn't get over, so I made a u-turn WAYYYY FURTHER to the next light over a small bridge even. I didn't cause someone to be pissed at me. Understand that I did the right thing, WHY can't they and that it DOES cause people to be mad that they have places to go too.

We have to share the road, so WHY be SELFISH on it, huh?

So yes, I don't see how you can say it shouldn't create road rage to block, because that is selfish? Being not selfish is what I did by going to the next turn around and INCONVENIENCING MYSELF rather than the ENTIRE LINE OF TRAFFIC!

2:38 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"you feeling entitled to break the law by beeping your horn illegally because other people upset you is not an excuse."

WHY, if they break the law, WHY can't I, huh?

"You are committing an offence."

They are first though.

"That is rude, selfish, inconsiderate and uncaring of other drivers who are not breaking the law."


I(**************HELPED*******************) DRIVERS BEHIND ME BY BEING CONSIDERATE. HOW IS THAT "UNCARING" TO THINK OF THE PEOPLE BEHIND ME, WTF??? SERIOUSLY, THAT'S NOWHERE NEAR SELFISH, because I am trying to get them out the way so we can move traffic.

"If you tried to explain to an officer that you beeped your horn illegally because someone else upset you they would still book you."

No, they have only given me warnings, not tickets even. You are VERY WRONG ABOUT THAT!! VERY!!!

They upset me, because they did something SELFISH, BLOCKED TRAFFIC WHICH IS VERY ILLEGAL! You cannot do that! If you miss your turn or lane or whatever, go to the next one. Don't block someone. That's mean, selfish, rude, and VERY INCONSIDERATE to the other drivers that are doing the right thing.

"You willfully and knowingly break the law, which is the rudest and most selfish thing you can do."

HOW is it rude when they are being mean to the entire line of traffic, I am going to treat them with MEANNESS BACK AT THEM AS THEY DESERVE!!


"And you are always responsible for your own rage."

No, THEY ARE, because as I said before, if they *CHOSE* to go to the next turn around, no one would be blocked, therefore, no road rage, understand? THEY CAUSED THE BLOCKING, NOT ME!!

"People who are charged with domestic violence cannot use the argument that they were aggravated into rage by the victim,"

That's not the same when you cannot hit someone. There's a *******HUGE********* difference between making a SOUND vs. actually touching someone else. You don't see that, huh?

I am not harming ANYONE by blowing my horn. I am helping move traffic along is what I have done before. Some people decided not to block me and move because I honked. It HELPED others as well as me.

"and likewise you cannot blame your own lack of control over your rage on other peoples behaviour."

No, but I can blame them for making me mad in the first place by being so GOD DAMN MF SELFISH!! I think of their feelings and time, WHY can't they think of mine and the rest of the other people BEHIND THEM on the road, huh? WHAT A BUNCH OF ASSHOLES ON THE ROAD TODAY!!

4:42 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I find it hard to believe that you don't have something going on in your life that is making you this way."

No. I have and am just a VERY OBSESSIVE person. I dwell on things that hurt my feelings whether it's inconsiderate drivers that are mean or like they had 5 people so far since 2003 or 2004 or so that have asked to CUT in front of me in line. That shit bothers me that people are so SELFISH like if I could do that, gee, I wouldn't ever wait in a line either. It's unfair. One man I believe it was just last year, he asked if he could get in front of me after I waited in line at Walmart and I had my groceries already on the conveyer belt, he asked if he could get in front of me. I told him "no" and he called ME a bitch. For real, as if everyone could do this, there would be no one waiting in lines. That's not right!! I have before a bunch of times let people in front of me by *ME* ASKING if they wanted to, but someone else asking to cut, that's just rude!! Shit like that bothers me. If you think about it, I remember each time it happened. One lady once again at Walmart wanted to get in front of me, because I was in the line that had the cigarettes. I feel if this lady wants to get in and out fast, go to a fucking GAS STATION, not big ass super walmart that is the longest lines essentially store compared to even a local grocery store would have more than likely less lines. She was a bitch to me as well.

I have problems with my feelings that get hurt. People that say mean things.

Like this one waitress said to me "Are you taste testing" just because I switched margaritas. I mean, you don't find that to be rude? It has stayed in my mind and this was I think in 2010 I believe. I just told her that I like both margaritas and moved on, but she got an 8% tip. I should have stiffed her for that. WHY are people so mean, but then want your money?

"I can't help but feel that you must feel isolated from the rest of the world. Are you ok?"

I am not isolated at all. I am not sure where you get that from? I have a job M-F. I go out to eat my husband and go other places as well too.

I am ok, I just am extremely sensitive. When people are mean, it hurts my feelings. It makes me dwell on things. I take things to heart. One waiter was like "You must like the pulled pork, don't ya" when I ordered that as an appetizer that was nachos and the entrée was a pulled pork sandwich. This happened probably in 2010 as well I am assuming. I can't remember which year it was, but to this day I can remember what was said and that what he looked like. Some people would say it's making conversation. I feel it's nosy. I think it's rude. I don't like when people comment about what I order. Just let me order. I don't understand why as a customer you should have to defend your order per say?

5:10 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"The shop assistant made a comment about me needing to eat bigger meals."

For me, weight is a HUGELY sensitive issue as it is for most people. For me, it's the other way around that back in the year 2000, I went from (I am 5 feet 0 inches) 94lbs to 97lbs and 2 regular customers told me that it looked like I was gaining weight. It stayed with me ALL THESE YEARS and it still hurts my feelings when I think about it.

That lady was out of line and I would have reported her for that. I reported the waitress that said "Are you taste testing", because it's mean and it's none of anyone's business if I would be, plus taste testing is tasting, not truly buying another entire drink anyway. The corporate guy really agreed with me it was rude of someone to say. Does it matter if someone is taste testing as long as they pay for their drinks? I mean why are servers nosy?

Anyway, getting back to your story, I would have reported her and I would have cried about it when I got home. I have dealt with an eating disorder back in college and from 2004-2009. In college what I would do would be to take 4 days like fri, sat, sun, and mon. to not eat but each day 300 calories or so, that's it. The rest of the week I'd binge the rest of the time eating A LOT of food. It would LITERALLY WORK, with each week getting back to 94lbs. Back in 2005, I was 87lbs. I did look a bit unhealthy at that weight. I had to stop due to health issues like extreme constipation due to a generic birth control at the time I was taking that before I didn't have problems, but didn't quite know if that was the cause, but it had to be, because that is what changed, but I am happier at 98lbs and not skipping meals so extremely. I have almost passed out due to low blood sugar during the years a few times here and there even if I am not a diabetic(my blood sugar is normal always every single time they have tested me). I would get hot and feel weird until I ate something. One of the times I was sooo obesssed I wanted to weigh myself before I ate something, but my body wouldn't let me, because I literally saw BLACK in both eyes I couldn't see for a brief moment. I ended up having to eat something.

So anyway, for me, weight has always been a hugely sensitive thing for me. So if I were you, I would have cried about it and reported her for saying something about weight that was inappropriate.

I think part of my sensitivity too with myself has to do with that I got made fun of a lot in junior high school even though I never was fat. I was called nerd, goodie goodie, my clothes like back in 6th grade, my grandmother made me some pants, they made fun of me about that. Like in 8th grade I was like 80lbs. I never was 100lbs or more during high school or below that ever even. In 12th grade, I remember doing the diet thing and got back to 90lbs. I do look good in my prom dress, but I can't fit that one today since that one was when I was 90lbs.

Anyway, just saying I feel most people are very sensitive with weight, nowhere near just me.

5:42 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"But I chose to not let her silly careless comment upset me and ruin my day."

I can't do that. My feelings and my mind won't let me. It just bothers me, I can't help it.

I guess what I am saying is, it's hard to just say "I don't care what they think", because it hurts.

" I chose to enjoy the rest of my day in spite of it. "

That's my problem, I dwell on it for hours and hours. I have actually aggravated my husband at times because I keep talking about things with him, but it's not to be mean to him, it just hurts my feelings and I like for someone to care, which he does, but he doesn't want to talk about it for hours rehashing the thing just as anyone wouldn't, but it's hard when it hurts my feelings. Like I remember this one waitress that we stiffed that stole and ended up getting fired for doing so, I talked to my husband about it for hours and *DAYS* later. It's like I couldn't think of other things. That was weighing on me so much, because I didn't understand it since the time before we had this waitress, we left 26%. I did the survey and said some things she could improve on, so that may have caused her to do that or because we asked for separate checks when we were greeted(we were in a party of 5, so each couple the guy that didn't have anyone paid separately. The reason why, everyone tips differently and also, we have paid several times we they have came over for parties, so when we went out to eat, we just paid our bills separately. I feel getting separate checks makes no argument about what you want to tip since you are tipping for YOUR service of what you ordered rathering than them paying for my bar drinks when they didn't have any and I don't feel they should have to tip based on the things I ordered either.

My point is, I don't know how to get over something it seems. Like most people don't remember something like this, but I do, it stays with me and I dwell on it. Most people they leave the restaurant, that's it, for me, it's hours and hours after if the server was rude or anything like after the guy that asked to cut that called me a bitch, I thought about it days and days later even I was so pissed about it.

I just don't know how to be not caring about things so much? I don't know how to let it go.

" Do you think that a lot of your hostility comes from you putting up a wall between yourself and the rest of the world?"

No, I am not putting a wall. I am all about *FAIRNESS* that it's not fair if let's say for example, the server gets your request for your check, then let's say she is called over which is fair, but let's say she actually gets let's say they asked for a box at the other table, she gets their box BEFORE our check when we asked for our check first. That bothers me that she let cutting happen. Cutting is wrong and even that waitress doesn't want someone to cut in front of her, WHY would you do it to someone else, especially when you want their money when they are legally obligated to pay you?

It's about fairness. I feel if the table next to me is 2nd, then they aren't first and it's unfair if they punish our time to give the 2nd table priority. Understand what I am saying?

I am fair to people, why can't people be fair to me? That my thing basically.

6:04 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...


I meant they aren't legally obligated to pay you.

6:07 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Most people try their very best to do the best they can"

I don't agree with you at all here, sorry. I am seeing more and more servers not writing things down, then forgetting for example and that's being LAZY on the job as well as showing that they care very little about making the customer happy to *TRY* to not forget something. If I were a server, I'd have to write down ALL things, because my short term memory is horrible. I can remember long term things, but short term is not good.

I have had one waitress who said "I don't add it up" when we have a wrong price which proves she didn't compare the menu prices to the check prices, that shows she wanted our money, but then expects us to care about hers with NO EFFORT on her part to show she cared about our money.

Things like that get on my nerves. There's not a lot of *EQUAL* caring involved with servers I find. They want you to feel sorry for them that they only make $2.13/hr that maybe they have kids or in school or have rent to pay etc., but aren't willing to try their best to show they care. They sure don't care about us customers I find, because if they did, they wouldn't do the lazy things they do. They wouldn't auction off drinks when they took the order(that's lazy), they would write things down, they'd compare their written order to the food to make sure there's no obvious errors on the plate BEFORE leaving the kitchen, etc.

It's like they want *YOU* as the customer to "CARE" about their MONEY called a tip, but most don't "CARE" about our money, time, or happiness. It's VERY ONE-SIDED I find in the service industry. You don't see where I am coming from, honestly?

Very FEW RARE servers actually try their best and that is the GOD'S TRUTH! Most half-fast it, even when we have been the ONLY customers in the place during odd times at local restaurants.

I just find most servers are out for themselves rather than actually showing they care about someone else besides themselves. Most are too lazy to try their best. Think about it, WHY would I have all my haters on these blogs? Seriously, it's all about they don't want to do the *WORK* for the money, but then EXPECT *US* to *CARE* about their money at the end. It makes no sense. Most of the time, it's not mistakes, it's laziness. Not much *EFFORT* on the job. This one waitress said "I'M NOT YOUR SERVER" when she brought me the plate that was STILL on the tray when I told her the extra crispy bacon was missing from the OPEN-FACED burger(meaning it wasn't covered up), no side of ranch was there, and pickles were on the side of the plate. I doubt very seriously our server messed up putting that much on the ticket and especially the bacon, which when we got our check, we were charged for it as well. My point is, if she really read the ticket, she would have said it wasn't on the ticket. I know we weren't paying her since she wasn't our server(not our fault really unless you feel that customers should keep cash on them so they can give this person a tip when we shouldn't have to get our hands dirty touching money before eating), but working as a team so you can get it back when that server serves your food. I feel that our server should have paid that server for helping out HER tip. Then that wouldn't have happened.

My main point is most servers don't try their best, they truly don't and most are so selfish to just care about their money, but not ours.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"But most people do try their best."

Most truly do NOT! Read the next stuff and tell me if most servers truly try their best when I bet you didn't try your best honestly, did you?

"But never did I make a mistake because I just didn't care about my customers or was lazy"

Let me ask you these things and tell me the "GOD'S TRUTH" if you "TRUTHFULLY" did these which I am willing to be you didn't or only did sometimes rather than every single time:

1. Did you WRITE EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY REQUEST DOWN and REREAD YOUR LIST? If you didn't, you were being lazy and VERY UNCARING about trying your best to remember what was asked for. I am including request for boxes, bags, refills, etc., because you just don't know how many times lazy ass, uncaring servers have forgot that shit because of NOT EVEN *****TRYING********* to remember what was said by writing them down. Most(99%) don't ever write down the small request like refills, boxes, etc.

2. Did you AUCTION OFF drinks such as saying "Who had the coke, Who had sprite, etc.? If you did, you were being lazy.

3. Did you compare the menu prices to the check prices for any overcharges? If you didn't, you sure didn't "CARE" about your customer's money, did you? If you didn't, you were lazy.

4. Did you go over the check for overcharges of other kinds like extra items and wrongly rung up items? Same thing, if you didn't, then you didn't care about your customer's money and were lazy.

5. Did you bring out any non-bar drinks to a party if the bartender was not finished with the bar drinks the customers ordered so you could "CARE" about their thirst(they could have their thirst quenched faster(some may order water with a bar drink and the ones that aren't drinking bar drinks will have their thirst quenched faster and even hunger in that you could take the customer's appetizer or entrée food order faster. I have seen some LAZY servers when it was almost empty of a restaurant and the server would wait until the bar drinks were ready to bring the non-bar drinks like 10 minutes or so wait for freaking cokes when it's SLOW is ridiculous. Even when it's busy, I think waiting that long for a couple of cokes is ridiculous.

6. Do you pour iced tea refills from a pitcher at the table? If you did, you were lazy and uncaring. A lot of iced tea drinkers do not like when you mix old tea with new tea(sweeter tea ratio). A non-lazy, caring server wants to give customers non-watery iced tea by the time the ice melts in their glass, they have water at the bottom of their glass and when you just pour, it's 1/4 ice water rather than the entire glass of iced tea. Also, it's less disruptive if you just bring a glass of tea and for the ones that want a slice of lemon with each glass, there's your opportunity to give the customer what they want.

Here's some examples:

Famous said: “I’m the type of iced tea lover who’s extremely picky about the teas I drink. When in restaurants, I hate when the waitress refills my iced-tea glass without asking-completely disturbing my perfect tea/sugar ratio.”

“I’m an iced tea drinker, so I generally like to finish a glass before it’s refilled. When a partially empty glass gets refilled, it borks my sugar to tea ratio!"

7. If the customer asked for their check and a dessert, do you make a separate trip to give them their check first? If you didn't, you were lazy and VERY UNCARING about their time.

Continued next posts:

6:46 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Gangle Continued:

8. Did you ask if the customer wanted their change ever? If you EVER did, you are VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY LAZY and VERY, VERY, VERY ENTITLED. No server should be trying to solicit a tip by ASKING to keep the change. That's ask "Can I keep this money for the tip?" That's intentional to try to be lazy on the job if you did that.

9. Did you compare your written order or if you weren't the server that took the order the ticket or computer screen to the plates of food for obvious errors such as wrong side dishes, etc.? If you didn't, you were lazy and VERY UNCARING!

10. Did you compare the bar drinks to the written order(assuming you weren't too lazy and uncaring to write them down)? If you didn't, same thing, that's laziness and being uncaring.

So tell me the truth, do you feel most servers try their best NOW that I have asked *YOU* honestly to look at *YOUR PERFORMANCE* and then tell me about it.

" Does that mean I never made mistakes? NO!"

Were they mistakes though? What I mean by that was, did you TRULY TRY YOUR 100% BEST to PREVENT THEM such as double checking things, writing things down, etc.?

A mistake isn't a mistake if you don't try.

"Sometimes I even made really obvious mistakes that I would be literally slapping my own forehead over, they were that silly!!"

I think everyone has done some DUH mistakes in their lifetime, which I know I have.

I am not talking about real, true mishaps. I am talking about the lack of TRYING AND EFFORT as well as CARING on the job. Understand what I am mad about? A waitress that said "I don't add it up" when we had a wrong price(2 prices into one that was added together on the check, which if you rounded it was easy to add in your head($21.99 plus $4.99) 22 plus 5 is 27, well we were charged $28.48. See, in my HEAD I could tell it wasn't correct even. It was the bitches attitude that struck me. She ADMITTED she didn't compare the menu prices to the check prices to **********CARE*************** about OUR MONEY if she wanted *US* to *CARE* about "HER" money at the end called a tip by saying "I don't add it up." I think that's terrible. We should have stiffed her, but it wasn't a good tip anyways. I was so mad about it, I told my husband I didn't even want to leave $5 no matter how big the check was($85 I think the check was). We left $4. I should have left her ZERO for admitting she didn't *TRY* her best NOR DID SHE EVER GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT OUR MONEY. She overcharged us $1.50. It was her fault, because she handed us the check, so she was the last person to see the wrong numbers on a piece of paper. If we could notice it, so could have she. She wasn't blind or illiterate. It's not our job to compare each price to baby-sit our servers. We are PAYING the server to CHARGE us correctly no matter how hard they have to work to get that tip.

So please honestly answer those questions. I bet you can't say you truly HONESTLY tried your best, can you? I bet you can't say you weren't lazy at times like asking if the customers wanted their change for example or auctioned off drinks, huh?

6:46 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"As for checking prices, well, sometimes I didn't."

See, you are proving you were LAZY and UNCARING on the job.

"As I said, sometimes we were reeeaaaallly busy and very understaffed."

So the customer's money doesn't matter? That's JUST AS IMPORTANT as serving food, drinks, etc. Also, if you have time to clean an empty table with no one at it, you HAVE THE TIME to check the prices.

"So did I check each and every item on every check against menu prices? No. I did a quick check on each to make sure there wasn't anything majorly obvious like an entree or dessert etc that was not supposed to be there, but that was all I had time for."

100% NOT TRUE!! YOU ********DECIDED********** TO MAKE OTHER THINGS MORE IMPORTANT WHEN THEY ARE (NOT) MORE IMPORTANT!! You have time if you want to make the time.

". I had hungry people to take orders for, meals to deliver, phones to answer (because there was no-one else to answer them), tables to keep clean and tidy for the next party to arrive, plus the dish-room to keep on top of (our dish-hand had called in ill), and basically keeping on top everything so none of my valued customers had to wait too long for anything and to make sure everybody got the attention and service they deserved. "

Cleaning up can take a 100% BACK-BURNER to a customer. REAL LIVE HUMAN BEINGS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CLEANING UP. If you have time to clean up, you have time.


"That means being able to dine in a place that was orderly, beautifully clean and where they didn't have to stare at messy vacant tables while they were trying to enjoy their meals."

NONE of that matters if mess ups happen!!

It's much more important to have no mess ups than to have something clean ********ANY DAY*********** for the server's tips(I know you didn't depend on tips, but people here where we live do).

" I would have had complaints if I did not keep everything maintained, and prioritised my work."

You didn't prioritize in the correct order though of importance. PEOPLE'S MONEY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN CLEANING UP WOULD *******************EVER*************************** BE!!

"If anybody had noticed I would have gladly fixed the problem for them straight away."

Would you have given them a comp like a couple of dollars off the bill for doing *YOUR* JOB for you whether it was asking the manager or you doing it yourself?

" However, that night I was far from lazy or uncaring."


". If my boss had caught me going through every single check, comparing every single price against the menu instead of being out with my customers he would have shown me the door."

NO, he would have been PROUD he had someone that *CARED* about giving GOOD SERVICE. If you don't want to check the menu, may I suggest you memorize the prices then? It's NOT OUR JOB TO BABY-SIT YOU!!

"My customers would have complained about the lack of service."


It's not that time consuming, honestly and you said you gave "FRIENDLY" service, well if you had time to chit chat, you DEFINITELY HAD TIME TO CHECK THE PRICES!!

"But I hardly feel you could call my behaviour unkind or my work ethic lazy."

HOW, when you **********ADMITTED*********** YOU DIDN'T TRY YOUR ************VERY BEST***********?


6:14 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"And, according to your idea that cleaning isn't important, I would have had the health authorities crashing down around us. Yuck."

I didn't say it wasn't important. I said if you have a REQUEST, that GOES AHEAD OF THE CLEANING. What if that were *YOU* waiting for something? I think that is 100% TOTALLY RUDE. I DIDN'T SERVE THAT WAY AT THE DONUT SHOP/DINER. I would act like you were GOD coming in and not clean up before you. You think it wasn't busy, but sometimes on Sunday Mornings they'd have 5-6 people working in front and these are around 10-12 yrs ago prices, but sometimes between 6a.m.-12p.m. on a Sunday, they have sales of 2,000, which is A LOT for a donut shop, especially back then which back then the donuts were around half the price as they are now. Now they are like $8 a dozen I believe or so, back then it was like $4.00-$4.50 a dozen. CUSTOMERS ALWAYS CAME FIRST!! The cleaning could wait. If the cleaning had to wait 5 minutes, SO WHAT? I wasn't about to make the customer wait 5 minutes or even 10 seconds even for me to clean. I HAD RESPECT FOR MY CUSTOMER'S TIME!

"Instead, every customer left happy, and I received many many compliments (some even called the owner to let them know how lovely the service was and how wonderful their night was)"

That's because you didn't mess up. That doesn't prove you aren't lazy. YOU ADMITTED YOU WEREN'T WILLING TO CHECK THE PRICES. THAT'S LAZY!!

"If I had been uncaring, lazy or incompetent that evening, I would have had a lot of complaints."



"I am satisfied that I did an excellent job."

If no one got overcharged you did. If they did, you didn't.

"My I also say that you are a very rude, "



4:49 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Aain, I am sad that you chose to edit my post to suit your needs."

I didn't "EDIT" ANYTHING about your post. I didn't publish it DUMMY!!

Editing your post would have been to insert things you didn't say, DUHHHHHH DUMMY! Are you STUPID OR WHAT?

All I did was post PARTS of your post in QUOTES, that's IT. I didn't "EDIT" your post. ARE YOU STUPID OR WHAT THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT EDITING A POST MEANS, HUH?

"That is a cowardly act, and proves that you don't feel confident that your arguments could stand up to mine."

No it means that I am posting the things that I have something to PROVE YOU WRONG ABOUT! Remember, this is my blog. I can post what I want on it.

"I challenge you to put up ALL of my posts (unedited by you) for all to see."

WHY should I wasted my time? I mean what's the point? I have posted MOST of the sentences you have said that were the really important ones.

"But I am satisfied that you won't because you are a bully and a coward and lack the courage of your convictions."

NO, I am TRUTHFUL in saying that you did *NOT* put 100% FULL ***************EFFORT**************** INTO YOUR JOB, therefore, that PROVES YOU WERE LAZY, YOU ADMITTED SO!! You also admitted you didn't *CARE* about the customer's money.

"you are nothing but a frightened and scared little girl. I pity you."

Scared of what? NOTHING. I am not SCARED IDIOT!!

I am also 35yrs old. I am NO "LITTLE GIRL" IDIOT!!

"If we only made $2000 dollars on a sunday that would have been a slow day."

I lived in a *TOWN*, NOT a *CITY* and I have no idea how *OLD* are you either. I lived on a GRAVEL ROAD, that's how rural it is out there.

Continued next posts:

5:46 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Not the best effort."

I didn't take the best effort for certain things I should have like WRITE ALL the orders down, but at the time, since I wasn't a customer, I didn't think about how it *FELT* to be that customer to get your order wrong. If I had to do it all over again, I would write *EVERY* SINGLE THING DOWN someone asked for, EVERY! I was young and my parents paid for most things in general(not my car insurance or student loan, but everything else they paid for), so I didn't understand how it felt to be that customer tipping or spending your own money since I rarely ate out where tipping was involved nor was I a customer using my own hard-earned money paying for things that I used besides those 2 things, so the concept of responsibility wasn't as prevalent as it would have been if I would have understood what it felt like to have to earn my own way in life like I do now.

I did take the best effort to make customers BEFORE dirty dishes and BEFORE restocking though. I always thought about TIME, because I have always been every second counts kind of person that I hate waiting as much as the next person in lines, so I understood that A LOT MORE why I put 100% FULL EFFORT into putting the customer first.

I also did try my best with the rest of the job as to why I got a raise within a month and a half of working at my very first job $5.15 was min. wage at the time, went to $5.50, a 35 cent raise. That was a lot for that time.

"We would EASILY make twice that much on a Saturday morning, with only 2 people out front."

Probably you lived in a CITY area and had much more customers. You also probably had more expensive items possibly or more variety of items.

I can't change my past, OK?

"Your idea of work ethic is shocking if your idea of a busy day is 5 people only making $2000 between them on a Saturday."

WHY? I can't help it we didn't have customers coming in and it was a *SUNDAY* if you *READ* what I said, NOT a Saturday.

"I would be too ashamed of that story to post it on the net for everyone to see."

"Again, I'm sure nobody will see this post (or any of my posts for that matter) in its unedited state because you are way too afraid to."


WHY blame me for something I had NO CONTROL OVER? I couldn't MAKE more customers come in, seriously!!

5:46 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...


I made a typo since I did this really fast. You don't get that I haven't ONCE EDITED YOUR POST and made it look like you said you words you didn't say. YOU ARE DUMB!!

5:49 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You have selected only a limited number of sentences/phrases, often completely out of context."

NO, I have ********QUOTED *************EXACTLY************* HOW THE FUCK YOU SAID EVERYTHING YOU LIAR!!

I HAVE NOT *ONCE* EDITED WHAT YOU SAID. This would be an example of exactly editing your post:

"You have limited sentences/phrases, often rarely out of context."

See that sentence right above is EDITED IF your post was one sentence worth. I didn't ONCE ALTER YOUR WORDS YOU LIAR!!

"This means that you have heavily censored and edited my posts."

NO, I NEVER ONCE PUBLISHED YOUR POST OR POSTED YOUR POST. I HAVE ONLY ********QUOTED********* PARTS OF YOUR POST, THAT'S IT ON *MY OWN POST*, NOT YOURS IDIOT!! You are that DUMB and STUPID THAT YOU CANNOT COMPREHEND WHAT EDITING A POST MEANS. The example I did above is editing a post IF your post was only one sentence worth. I haven't changed ONE WORD you said. I also haven't posted your entire post. I also don't have to. WHY aren't you admitting that you were TOO LAZY TO CHECK THE PRICES ON YOUR JOB, because you ADMITTED SO YOU WERE?

"Again, I challenge you to post all of my posts in entirety,
not just the few phrases that you actually have a cheap tacky retort to."

WHY should I when I don't have to, huh? What is that going to prove?

Remember this blog is about Inconsiderate drivers, NOT about servers or anything else. You got me off topic and are still talking off topic about ANYTHING I have said about ANY of my blogs. You aren't talking about restaurants or inconsiderate drivers. This has ZERO to do with my blog.

If you can't talk about what the SUBJECTS I am talking about, then WHY are you are writing to me, huh?

I don't have to post your entire post. This is *MY* BLOG, NOT YOURS!!

7:01 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Again, no excuse for your slow little donut shop."

There is in the fact that I couldn't CONTROL that. That was 100% OUT OF MY CONTROL, so YES that is an excuse.

"And it still doesn't change the fact that you thought that was busy."

It was. You weren't there.

"If that is your standard of being busy at work then you haven't worked a decent days work in your life."


7:03 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Sally Marks
"Dont need it approved just thout u should know bitch"

WHY are you saying this? I am not a bitch, YOU ARE! You don't know me and you are calling me that, WOW, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU BITCH? RIGHT BACK AT YA?

"Fuckin asshole who does nothing but talk shit"



2:37 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Rebecca Cowan-Thompson

"You are a self righteous snatch."

HOW? Because I want and expect people to be ********CONSIDERATE of OTHERS ON THE ROAD, huh?

"Everything you say is poisonus,"

NO, it's not.

"and you arethe type who gets a hardworking father of two fired because his day was a little off and u didnt appreciate him going a lil slower then usual and not bowing down to see you in all your bitchy glory."

You are the type of person that thinks you should get tipped for being lazy and uncaring as if a tip is automatic.

"Eeeeewwwww you are a sad woman and though i know you'll dispute it cuz you live in lala land, but every person u talked to sees you for what you are and hates you. you always say. Im so nice blah blah, no your not"

Did you not read all the people that agree with me on my wordpress blog, huh? Go ahead and read all of them. It's more than one person IDIOT!

Also, no one likes to be blocked, even YOU in traffic, so STFU IDIOT!

6:10 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

".... Actually green does not mean floor it, it means if it is safe, you may proceed through the intersection. If there is a pedestrian or just some dumby who ran the last light, you probably don't want to go through that light just because the light is green, especially if it is a green arrow. Sorry, life is just not as black and white as you seem to think it is ."

By LAW it DOES mean floor it. If everything is doing what they are *SUPPOSED* to be doing, it DOES STUPID!

Everyone knows pedestrians *ALWAYS* have right-of-way.

My point was to show that if there is a red light, I am not blocking the intersection as the law says not to, the light turns green. There's traffic all around me. That means *I* have right-of-way, *NOT the person at the stop sign STILL has that STOP SIGN.

If there is a car wanting to come out of a gas station or any other place of business, no matter if the light is red or green, they have to *YIELD* to us on the street. That's how the *LAWS* work.


I still go through the light and go up to the car, honk on them. I don't just sit when they go through the light unless it is really fast that they have gone.

So YEAH, it IS VERY MUCH BLACK OR WHITE type of situation.

If I am coming out of a gas station, I have to wait until it's clear to go. I don't go because someone tries to let me in. That's against the law and they aren't a police officer, so they can't tell me I have right-of-way when the laws say I do NOT have right-of-way.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Blahhhhh said...

What a cunt. Jesus christ, lighten up you self righteous bitch.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"What a cunt. Jesus christ, lighten up you self righteous bitch."

Tell me (((((((((((((((HOW THE HELL AM *I* THE CUNT OR A SELF RIGHTEOUS BITCH))))), HUH, when I am the person that is NICE and DOESN'T *********EVER********************************** HOLD UP ANYONE for a space or block a lane and makes u-turns to avoid blocking others, huh?


3:26 PM  

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