Sunday, December 04, 2005

Inconsiderate Drivers

A person that is at a green light should GO because green means go, NOT, let someone in from a STOP sign, place of business, or at a person's home. Have some RESPECT for the people BEHIND you. I don't make the laws, I follow them.At a green light, the person in front of me should be PAYING ATTENTION to the traffic, NOT to the stuff in their vehicle. One time, a lady got OUT of her seat to look into the back of her Suburban and EVERYONE else left but her. I would have had to back up to go around her. I honked on her LONG and hard like it was DESERVED for being SO SELFISH only thinking of HERSELF NOT anyone else behind her though.The other day, I was at a red light on a two-lane same direction highway. It was a crowded intersection. I had an intersection in front of me with at least 3 cars in front of me. I didn't block the intersection like the LAW states to. The person in front of me turns is able to move up as the light is still red to turn into the Wal-greens. Anyway, the person at the intersection decides to move over the stop sign as if she was going to pull out. I BLEW on my horn so long and hard as I moved up. As if a person at a STOP sign has right-of-way, when I was able to move up. The STOP signs aren't invisable all of a sudden because the traffic starts to move. The GALL of her to do that. If I would have been her, I would have waited BEHIND the stop sign like the LAW states I am SUPPOSE to do. I have even waited when cars on the highway honked on me to go when I was at a taco bell one time. I knew, they have RIGHT-OF-WAY by LAW and that "I" had to YIELD to them. I think that it was AWFUL that the truck honked on me to go ONLY thinking of "ME", the person pulling out, but NOT the LAW or ANYONE in the back of that person, which there were some people that that guy was being SO RUDE to. I do the RIGHT thing by waiting LONGER to go by LAW.I hate a green lights when people just sit there and let someone in from a place of business or a stop sign. WHY have the damn laws if NO ONE follows them? That's what CAUSES some accidents. People that are SUPPOSE to stop or yield DON'T because they think that EVERYONE will let them in. I sure try not to if they have a sign or if they if they aren't on the roadway.If people are on the roadway and they have their turn signal on, then, and ONLY then, will I let them in. If they can't have the decency to put their signal on, FUCK THEM! I follow the law, WHY can't they be not LAZY and use their signal to change lanes. I'm also NOT a mind reader, you want to be let in, put your DAMN SIGNAL ON! I will slow down some if you do have your signal on, but if I don't know you want to get into the lane by putting a signal on, HOW will I KNOW to slow down?People that tailgate in the right lane. If you don't like going speed limit, DON'T tailgate in the right lane of all things. I'm being CONSIDERATE enough to stay in the RIGHT LANE, so WHY risk a rear-end accident to try to make me BREAK THE LAW. I am NOT going to do it for that person? If anything, if there are 3 lanes and I am in the middle lane, I'll make DAMN SURE I won't go to the right lane to SPITE them for tailgating me. NO ONE is going to make me risk a speeding ticket to go faster. I haven't EVER gotten a speeding ticket in my lifetime. I've been driving for 7 years. I am not going to slow down either to delay ME, but I definately WON'T MOVE for a tailgater.Have CONSIDERATION for the people BEHIND you. If I am in the back of you, don't let 2 people in at a green light and expect me not to honk. You are IMPEDING traffic by doing that and BLOCKING traffic only for THEM, but not thinking about the LAW. The law states the people on the roadway have RIGHT-OF-WAY, so if I am on the roadway, I have RIGHT-OF-WAY, plain and simple. I miss the light sometimes because of people not paying attention, people that are SO INCONSIDERATE that they STOP or keep braking to get into a different lane at a green light, or they let people in from a stop sign, yield sign, or place of business.I've seen lots of comments that it's COURTEOUS to let people in from a stop sign, but if I did that, I'd ALWAYS be thinking of the person that is trying to get over. I do that ENOUGH when people want to get into the lane I'm in. I'm NOT about to BREAK the law and STOP to let someone in at a green. GREEN means GO! I at least have some common decency to think of others BEHIND me. Just yesterday, a van was getting ready to come out of a gas station at a light. The person in front of the car in front of us(my husband and I) couldn't let them in because they were too far. The second car, which was in front of us, came to a COMPLETE STOP, just to let this van in at a GREEN LIGHT. See, if I was in the van, I'd tell them to go because they have RIGHT-OF-WAY. That's the way it SHOULD be. Anyway, the person in front of us ONLY thought about the van, but NOT A WHOLE LONG LINE of people that really WANTED TO make the light you know. HOW RUDE! It's not like when the light would have been RED, that a car could have let someone in, but at a green, that's just DISRESPECTFUL and LAW BREAKING to BLOCK traffic for that ONE vehicle. This actually DOES make that last vehicle NOT be able to make the light or if they try to, they end up running the red light.